Shazam founder Dhiraj Mukherjee joins the show today. Dhiraj is currently Head of Innovation at Virgin Money, a prominent UK bank and part of Richard Branson's Virgin Group.
After graduating from Dartmouth College and then Stanford GSB, Dhiraj co-founded Shazam, one of the best known apps of all time. Launched in 2002, the platform is alive and well today.
Dhiraj is a seasoned digital innovation and experience design professional, launching digital platforms around music, movies, advertising and social networking. He has advised on innovation for Reuters and other large corporates, and now carries the innovation flag at Virgin Money.
In addition to his work at Virgin Money, Dhiraj is an insightful thinker in his own right, and it's in that capacity that he's sitting down with us today.
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Thanks so much for listening today. Please welcome, Dhiraj Mukherjee.